Friday, January 7, 2011

It was as if he read my mind!

With both of my previous pregnancies,  I had a "thing" (ok, ok...maybe an obsession) with ice cream.  Basically any flavor from maple nut to cookies and cream and beyond was just fine by me and my growing fetuses.  Serve it in a bowl or a cone with chocolate or caramel sauce, I'm not picky.

I blame it on my mom - she tells me that when she was pregnant with me she would go through gallons of Schwan's vanilla ice cream because she had to have a dish every night before bed.

Well, I'm almost afraid to say it, but the ice cream fetish is continuing it's life in pregnancy number three!

While dinner was finishing up in the oven, I whipped together some brownies to cook while we were eating (another item I can't resist, but really? who can when they're warm?!).  As they were cooking and I was smelling them, I realized we didn't have any vanilla ice cream and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted ice cream with my brownies! :)

So, I was deciphering a plan on how I could convince my husband to pick some up while he was at work and stop home with it.  But that was giving me guilt and so I was setting myself up to just be satisfied with my brownies alone.

Then, not 10 minutes later someone was at the door...the Schwan man!! was as if he had read my mind!

Seriously?!  A man that delivers ice cream (in many flavors I might add) right to my front door, is just about any pregnant woman's dream come true!

Now I'm sitting here, with my yummy bowl of warm brownies and ice cream....mmmmmm!!

9 weeks and waiting on the next irrational craving.

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